About our school

In this section, you’ll find general information about our services and facilities. If you have questions or would like more details about any of these topics, just give us a call at 614.864.5332


Academic calendar


Special services

Patriot Prep provides a high-quality educational experience for every student. We know all students learn in different ways, often at different rates. That’s why our talented, caring teachers are attentive to individual learning needs, continually adjusting their teaching patterns to ensure student learning.

Despite these efforts, not all students’ needs can be identified and accommodated by the classroom teacher alone. Patriot Prep has developed a multi-faceted program to accommodate unique learning needs.

Programs fall under three categories:

1. Operating under the school’s regular education guidelines

2. Operating under state and federal special education guidelines

3. Operating with remediation support under MTSS to identify academic and behavior needs and provide intervention for students


If you would like more information about our special education services, please contact:
Marty Dwyer, Special Education Director
[email protected]


Navigating the future

Patriot Prep takes great pride in our 100% college acceptance rate. That success is driven by an engaged and communicative partnership among our guidance team, students, and parents.

If you would like more information, please contact:
Megan Dwyer, Guidance Counselor
[email protected]

Food service

Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Patriot Prep promotes children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating habits and physical activity. We participate in the government-sponsored National School Lunch Program. Beyond ensuring all food we serve meets federal nutrition guidelines, our food service program is unique in that all our food is prepared in-house, not catered.


Families can provide their own transportation or use bus services provided through Patriot, Columbus Public, and Groveport. Patriot provides transportation for students in Whitehall, Reynoldsburg, and Pickerington School Districts. 

Please be aware that districts may have different procedures. Once enrolled, Patriot Prep will provide detailed transportation and application information.


Patriot Preparatory Academy is a non-profit, Columbus community school sponsored by St. Aloysius (Charter School Specialists).